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Photo Attribution: Stuart MilesThe App-V 5 Research Series: Papers on the Deployment Performance of Various Application Contents using App-V 5 SP2 with HotFix 4

This collection is a series of research papers examining how certain types of application contents affect deployment performance when delivered with App-V.  In each case, I use custom packages filled with just one type of application content and test to see where it impacts performance.  Shared Content Store Mode is compared to local caching, and all combinations therein.  Each paper is 15 to 30 pages, making them a great light summer reading program for virtualization pros!

These papers will culminate with a presentation of the work at the BriForum Conference in Boston on July 21-23, 2014 that shows the relative effect of these different content types and what you should do about them when sequencing your packages.

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Here is another research paper on App-V 5.


Connection Group Fun in App-V 5 is a research paper that discusses several examples of solving problems with Connection Groups in App-V 5. It provides a number of examples of how to work around issues that come up when you work with Connection Groups.

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At BriForum I gave a presentation on debugging App-V 5. I promised to provide some of the App-V driver analysis of file I/O activity that I showed in the presentation. Here is that detail, with a little bit of explanation.

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This White Paper presents research on how App-V 5 performs client side layering of file and registry systems. In particular, the paper shows how "Connection Groups" works at a detailed level, including Pellucidity of containers and the effect of package deletion objects. In the tests described in this paper, we see that the implementation of Connection Groups, while a good improvement over DSC in the prior versions, is not consistent.

A full understanding on how the product actually implements this layering is necessary to understand and overcome issues that can develop when using Connection Groups. This paper replaces the DSC White Paper that was written against App-V version 4.6.

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