A list of previous classes is available here.

Upcoming Events

Training Events

Date Class Details

June 3 - 6,

June 10 - 13,


MSIX Packaging




2024 June MSIX Public Class REMOTE

8-day, 4 hours/day Afternoons in Euro/ Morning US

 Hosted by our partner Expert-Class.ch

July 24, 2024

Masters Class in Debugging

A special 4-hour Master Class on debugging in windows. This is separate from, but attached to, the E2EVC conference at the same site, just on the day before.

4 hours: 2-6PM Eastern Daylight Time

Oct 14 - 18,


MSIX Packaging

In-person Europe


2024 Oct MSIX Public Class INPERSON

4-day, 8 hours/day

Class Details

Culemborg, NL (Hosted by PDS)

Hosted by our partner PDS
Coordinated with AppManagEvent in Utrecht on Friday before the class.


Speaking Events

Date Event Details

March 11-14,


Redmond WA, US

Microsoft MVP Summit

April 19-21, 2024

Phoenix AZ, US

EUC Unplugged 

EUC Unplugged 2024 (thinclient.net)

April 23-25, 2024

Fort Lauderdale, US

Citrix CTP Meetings

May 3-5, 2024

Madrid, Spain

E2EVC Madrid

E2EVC Home Page

July 25-26


Montreal, Canada

E2EVC Montreal

E2EVC Home Page

See special debugging class above the day before!

Oct 11,



Utrecht, NL

The Industry Event for Application Packaging, Application Deployment, Workspace Security and Endpoint Management. (appmanagevent.com)