Tools and Downloads: App-V 5

Hits: 29501
Type: Free Version: Updated: Oct 1, 2017 Solves issues with App-V 5 in roaming like environments for apps that save settings and data to non roaming locations. Add as script to...
AppV_Client_Interaction, The APP
Hits: 28424
Type: Free Information Version: Updated: March 11, 2014 Initial Version for App-V 5 SP2 AppV_Client_Interaction is a documentation tool for App-V 5.
Hits: 30647
Type: Free Version: Updated: October 11, 2017 AppV_DefConGroups: Free tool that creates and manages Connection Group Files for App-V 5.  For use whenever you are not using the App-V Server or SCCM 2012 SP1 (or above) to deliver...
Hits: 61715
Type: Free Location Version: Updated  July, 2020    Information, Download, and Documentation Pages Also see Version Change...
AppV_Manage Analyzer Reports
Hits: 21062
Type: Small Charge Location Version: Licensed Add-on to AppV_Manage June 22, 2015 AnalyzerReporter for AppV_Manage  While...
AppV_SelfService (AVSS)
Hits: 39105
Type: Free Version: Updated: August 31, 2017 AppV_SelfService (AVSS) is an alternative deployment tool for App-V 5 virtual application packages. AVSS is a flexible alternative for App-V distribution.  Intended for non-persistent and...
AppVManifestEditor (AVME)
Hits: 35934
Type: Free Location Version:   August 2, 202`   AVME Introduction and Download AppVManifestEditor (AVME) is a GUI editing tool for Microsoft App-V "AppXManifest.xml" files.  Use on the sequencerto fully customize your package.
Hits: 20579
Type: Free Version: New: June 27, 2015 A PowerShell Script to clean out all old connection groups, packages, and app-related-data from a PC.
Hits: 34903
 Type: Free Version: Updated: Nov 7, 2016 Version: Updated: June 20, 2018 A PowerShell script for use in sequencing Java JRE and hiding natively...
Hits: 23313
Type: Free Version: 5.0.2 Updated: September 20, 2012 LaunchIt is a free standalone exe tool used to launch and control other programs.  This turns out to be very useful with application virtualization, especially in situations like Citrix...
Hits: 24446
Type: Free Information Version: Updated: April 17, 2014 Initial Version for App-V 5 and above LookAtAppVFile is a small tool to show what's inside an App-V package.
MSXML Runtime Versions Chart
Hits: 30890
Type: Free Version: N/A Updated: N/A A list of known MSXML Runtime version numbers and installers, including mapping to KBs. This is a really useful mapping for when you catch one of these in your package; you can use it to figure out...
Report Templates for App-V 5.0
Hits: 40538
Type: Free Version: 3 Updated for 5.1 October 16, 2015 Update:   I have updated some, and added new reports!  These should work on any version of the 5.0 through 5.1 App-V Reporting Server.  These reports require no inputs and may be...
Schema App-V 5.0 Management Database
Hits: 27395
This is an image created I created of the App-V 5.0 Management Database Schema. You can view online or download the PNG at the bottom of the page.
Schema App-V 5.0 Reporting Database
Hits: 26897
This is an image created I created of the App-V 5.0 Reporting Database Schema. You can view online or download the PNG at the bottom of the page.
ScriptLauncher for App-V 5
Hits: 39984
Type: Free Version: 1.3.0 Updated: Sept 10, 2015 Solves issues with App-V 5 scripting engine. Program to parse environment variables and then launch resulting command line.
Test_Directory: Tool for investigating App-V Cache Completeness
Hits: 18926
Type: Free Version: Updated: September 5, 2013 This tool was written to investigate what part of partially cached files are present in App-V 5.  It provides deep detail on a per file basis -- not only how much is cached but also...
Hits: 21023
Type: Licensed software with fully functional free 30-day trial Version:   Oct 21, 2022 TMEdit  is the best external App-V Package editor.  Use on a Windows 10 machine to fully fix and customize your package. Streamline your...
Hits: 30957
Type: Free Version: Updated: Dec 19, 2014 A solution to allow conflicting IE Plug-ins in conjunction with App-V 5; fully isolated java versions for the same user  
Visual Studio Runtime Versions Chart
Hits: 70972
Type: Free Version: N/A Updated: Oct 8, 2017 A list of known VC Runtime version numbers and installers, including mapping to KBs. This is a really useful mapping for when you catch one of these in your package; you can use it to figure...
What Would Tim DO?
Hits: 24722
Type: Free Version: Updated: Sept 3, 2014  
Hits: 20466
Type: Free Version: Created: January 23, 2014 Purpose: WowMeNet is a free tool that launches apps built for "AnyCPU" mode as 32-bit.
xPerf Profile for App-V 5 Client
Hits: 21050
Type: Free Version: 1.0 Updated: August 13, 2013 WPRP configuration file for xPerf that integrates the App-V Client debug log events into the capture. Great for app issue captures at the App-V client. xPerf Profile wprp file for the App-V...
XSD Schema for App-V 5 Connection Groups
Hits: 17783
Type: Free Version: 5.0 & 5.0SP3 Updated: June 26, 2015 To add a connection group to the App-V Client, you need to create an XML file defining the group. Microsoft has not properly documented the format, so we created this XSD file that...
XSD Schema for AppV 5 AppXManifest file
Hits: 19162
Type: Free Version: N/A Updated: March 25, 2013 The AppXManifest.xml file is generated by the sequencer and stored internal to the App-V file. The AppxManifest file contains the complete package definition for applications and extension...
XSD Schema for DeploymentConfig files
Hits: 17463
Type: Free Version: N/A Updated: November 26, 2012 The DeploymentConfig.xml file is generated by the sequencer for you to modify when you want to alter the way the package integrates with the system. The DeploymentConfig makes system-wide...
XSD Schema for UserConfig files
Hits: 18101
Type: Free Version: N/A Updated: November, 2011 The UserConfig.xml file is generated by the sequencer for you to modify when you want to alter the way the package integrates with the system. The UserConfig makes changes on a per-user...