TMurgent Technologies, LLP was started in 2002 shortly after founder Tim Mangan left the Application Virtualization pioneer startup company Softricity, where he built the original SoftGrid product. Softricity is the company Microsoft acquired for the now named "App-V" product. With his long career developing software products in both the systems and networking areas, Tim started a consultancy focused on the interactions between software applications and operating systems.

After building another successful product (and selling it off), TMurgent became focused on helping companies use application virtualization more effectively.  Today, TMurgent is the leading application virtualization support company in the world offering Training and Consulting, along with first class research and tools.

Based in Canton Massachusetts, just outside of Boston, in the US TMurgent helps enterprises, integrators, and SSoftwre Vendors with application needs.  Just a few of the services we offer:

  • Co-authors of the GridMasterTraining materials.  Soundly regarded as the best training materials in the world for learning App-V.
  • Our public training classes, where companies can cost effectively send individuals to learn about App-V.
  • Our private on-site training classes and consulting service, where companies with a handful or more people needing to get up to speed on App-V can turbo-charge their app virtualization project.
  • Our semi-private classes, where we partner with leading industry integrators and resellers to help their internal staff and/or customers get ready for App-V.
  • Our contract sequencing services, performed in-house by our own staff.  Different than traditional out-sourcing, these are people that can handle the toughest of applications.
  • Our free tools, white-papers and other research documents, and blogs containing the latest information about App-V and MSIX.
  • Our paid for tools, including TMEdit and the Package Documentation Writer module for AppV_Manage.


Contact information:

TMurgent Technologies, LLP

26 Angela Street

Canton, MA 02021

(+1) 781-535-4954

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