Topic | Description | Scheduled Release Date | Link to Download PDF |
Big Files This paper examines the effect of very large files inside an App-V package. This paper closes the book on issues streaming large files, especially in Shared Content Store Mode. I mean that literally. I wrote an e-book last year on the streaming system and just how bad it worked in 5.0 SP1; while that book still provides great details about the streaming file system, the testing results shown in that book are now history! It's safe to use SCS Mode now, but read this paper (and the entire series) before jumping in. 18 pages. |
June 5, 2014 | BigFiles |
Virtualized Fonts This paper examines the deployment and runtime effects of virtual Fonts inside an App-V package.. It also examines limits associated with fonts, by both the windows operating system and App-V. Being the first of the papers more focused on deployment than at runtime, this paper also has coverage on the topic of how the test results should be viewed in consideration with how you should deploy the apps. And for bonus coverage: Want to know a great way to crash the sequencer? Read this paper! 30 pages. |
June 12, 2014 | Fonts! |
Files and Folders What effect do large numbers of files or folders have? What about PVAD versus VFS? Or "Empty Folders"? Should you clean up your package? This paper provides some real numbers on the performance hits these items cause, and when they cause them. 30 pages.
June 19, 2014 | Files&Folders! |
File Type Associations Do extensions like File Type Associations matter to performance? Read this to find out. 15 pages. |
June 24, 2014 | File Type Associations! |
Virtual Registry How much overhead is there from the virtual registry? This paper answers with numbers using 50,000 registry objects.
12 pages. |
July 3, 2014 | Virtual Registry |
Generic COM What happens when you have 100 COM objects in a package? What about isolated versus integrated? Does it matter? This papers dives into Common Objects.
16 pages. |
July 7, 2014 | Generic COM |
Virtual Services This is the definitive paper on virtual services. How they work, problems that they cause, and what to do about it. Oh, and it addresses the performance aspects of virtual services.
27 pages. |
July 14, 2014 | Virtual Services |
VC and MSXML Runtimes If you are thinking about deployment performance, this paper is a must read! If you are security minded and don't give a hill of beans about performance, read it too.
14 pages. |
July 17, 2014 | VC Runtimes |