MSIX packages have a 4 part version field. By default, you can only use the first three parts. What's up with that?
In this post I will explain why and show you how to overcome that issue.
The Problem
When packaging using the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool (MMPT), by default you can only specify three of the four version fields. The last field initializes with a zero, but unlike the other three fields you cannot edit it. The problem field is circled below:
Microsoft created MSIX not only for you to repackage applications, but for developers to release in MSIX format and sell them through the Microsoft Store. Microsoft has a requirement for Store apps that Microsoft gets to control the last field, and that the person submitting to the Microsoft store must leave that field as zero.
How to fix
First, open the MMPT. The click on the Settings icon button circled below:
Then change the configuration by unchecking the item circled below:
Don't forget to click the Save settings button. And make a new snapshot!