MSIX with (finally) Context Menus with caveat

Before we see this work, there is a need for some technology background…

The old way

There are many Windows-based applications that are designed to use some of the numerous interfaces that are built into Windows Explorer that exist for the purpose of making it quite easy to access the app (full app, or part of it) without the user …

Categorized as MSIX Tagged

TMEditX Version 2.0 now available!

Version of TMEditX has now been released. The change to version 2 represents the culmination of a years’ worth of work to make successful packaging with MSIX a whole lot easier. Better analysis, improved workflows to implement recommended changes, and a better PSF so that we can make apps better!

TMEditX logo

A short summary of the changes since last month …

New in the PSF v2022.01.19

Psf LogoThe Package Support Framework (PSF) was started by Microsoft as an Open Source Project to help Win32 and .Net Framework based software operate in the new MSIX Container runtime, however the latest changes are now made in my own fork at .

The “v.2022.01.19” release completes the updates began last fall to clear up a slew of issues.  It …

Psf v2021.12.07 Released

The Package Support Framework (PSF) was started by Microsoft as an Open Source Project to help Win32 and .Net Framework based software operate in the new MSIX Container runtime, however the latest changes are now made in my own fork at .

The “Post-Thanksgiving” release brings in some additional changes in the PSF for at least one …

New (free) MSIX Book Released

A Developer's Guide to MSIX book cover.

I am really excited to announce the availability of a new (and free) community Ebook on MSIX that is for developers of traditional Win32 and/or .Net Framework applications that are interested in modernizing to MSIX.

The book took 12 months to come to fruition, and my co-authors have been invaluable in helping ensure that we have both great coverage and …

PSF Update 2021.11.24 Now Released

The Package Support Framework (PSF) was started by Microsoft as an Open Source Project to help Win32 and .Net Framework based software operate in the new MSIX Container runtime, however the latest changes are now made in my own fork at .

The “Thanksgiving” release brings in some sought after changes in the PSF for issues that …

Categorized as MSIX, PSF Tagged ,

MSIX and MaxVersionTested

As it may not be intuitive, I am finding it necessary to explain the markings that exist within MSIX packages that relate to the OS version that the package is installed/run on.

Contained in the AppXManifest file inside of every MSIX package is an element that looks like this:

<Dependencies<TargetDeviceFamily Name="Windows.Desktop" MinVersion="10.0.16299.0" MaxVersionTested="10.0.19044.0" /</Dependencies

The two important fields …

Categorized as MSIX Tagged

Training in a pandemic, one year in and going strong.

A remote class in 2020

Most of our business is in training the IT Staffs of large organizations to enable them to better prepare and deliver applications to their (mostly) internal users, specifically around the Microsoft App-V and MSIX technologies.  We also do some consulting in the Citrix and End-User-Computing space, and sell some tools. And the bulk of our …