What’s new in the MSIX PSF: Part 3 – October 2019

The Microsoft MSIX Package Support Framework (PSF) is an open source project that enables more “traditional” Win32 and Dot Net applications to be repackaged into MSIX.

As an active contributer to the GitHub project, I have added more functionality to the fixups that are available. Additionally, Microsoft has added new functionality as well. Here, I will write about the …

What’s new in the PSF (Part 2 – Feb 28, 2019)

I didn’t expect to write this article so soon! More on that later, let’s get to the juicy stuff.

The Package Support Framework, or PSF, is an open source project hosted by Microsoft up on GitHub. The PSF is useful when building MSIX packages for older Win32 and .Net based applications. It allows you to build in Detours based …

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What’s new in the MSIX PSF: Feb 24, 2019

Those paying attention might know that I started a project last summer to contribute to the MSIX Package Support Framework, an open source project that Microsoft hosts up on GitHub.

I spent a month writing code to improve the PSF, and then started the long process of getting it pulled into the master source. It, uh, took a little longer …