AppV_DeployNPublish 1.9

Version 1.9 of the AppV Deploy and Publish tools is now available (tools section of the main TMurgent website). This version fixes a few anoyances. AppV_DeployApp now remembers the configured content folder, and you can now deploy a second app without having to exit and restart; all three programs now have a /help option from the command line.…

New Free Tool: PkgView for App-V

Have you ever wanted to see what was captured in the App-V user or global PKG file? 

For the last 4 years, on and off, I have been trying to build a tool to do just that.  And for just as long I have been really close to having such a tool, but not close enough to release one.  I

New Tool: XenApp Publishing Extensions 2.0 for App-V

The XenApp Publishing Extensions 2.0 are two tools that enable easy publication of applications to your XenApp 4.5 or 5.0 farm.

Once you have deployed App-V virtual applications to your XenApp 4.5 and 5.0 Farms, you will want to publish the shortcuts to users. This can be a slow and tedious process  for App-V virtual applications when using the XenApp …

Free Tool ATM version 2.0

August 17, 2009
Release of Version 2 of ATM. See the 7 priority standby list caches in Ram!

Prioritized Standby Caches are new in Vista and above versions of the Microsoft Operating Systems.…

HyperV_Mon 1.6

June 28, 2009
Updated Tools! HyperV_Mon version 1.6, with small improvements and updated documentation. See the Tools section of the site.…