What’s new in the MSIX PSF: Feb 24, 2019

Those paying attention might know that I started a project last summer to contribute to the MSIX Package Support Framework, an open source project that Microsoft hosts up on GitHub.

I spent a month writing code to improve the PSF, and then started the long process of getting it pulled into the master source. It, uh, took a little longer …

Understanding PSFLaunch for MSIX

Running Win32/WPF applications in a container like MSIX is different than when running installed in the traditional way. While there are benefits, the container also can cause issues with applications when you simply repackage them without making changes to the application source.

In The MSIX Report Card for 1809 , I took a look at the results of such vanilla …

Categorized as MSIX Tagged

About creating the 1st MSIX Package in the Microsoft Store

Image for TMNetSim
TMNetSim MSIX Edition

Last Summer, I had an opportunity to work with Microsoft on the process of getting MSIX Applications created and released through the Microsoft Store. As a result, I ended up with the first MSIX package released in the Windows Store!

On my website at TMurgent.com, I have a large number of free community tools that I have …