Virtual Applications on the Desktop, on the Server, and In the Cloud

I had an opportunity to speak before our user group on Application Virtualization a few weeks ago. We record the videos so we now have this talk available online.

The basis of the talk was a higher level talk than I normally do, but it does explain what I see going on in the AppVirt space right now, which is a whole lot of activity — primarily associated with folks migrating to Windows 7. Below is a link to the video, and another to the slide deck.

“App Virt on the Desktop, in VDI, in the Cloud”

One side conversation from the discussion when I later presented this at a cloud conference in NY: It is amazing just how much App-V is being implemented right now as part of Windows 7 migration.  If ever a product took a while to hit the mass-market penetration stage, App-V would be it.  But the truly amazing part is that it is happening at a time that the trade press has pretty much forgotten about application virtualization, except as a side note like “and of course you want to use appvirt when doing VDI“.

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By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.