Psf v2023.08.28

Psf LogoThe Package Support Framework (PSF) was originally an open-source project to help Win32/DotNet applications run when inside an MSIX Container.  TMurgent has taken up the support for the PSF in our own fork here on GitHub.

A new update to the PSF has been released. From the release notes:

  • PsfRuntime: Cross-architecture (bitness) issues for injection of PsfRuntime into a child process of different bitness. Modification allows RunDll32.exe and RunDll64.exe to be located anywhere in the package, rather than only in the package root folder. PsfTooling cannot add the components to the root folder.

My fork of the Package Support Framework is found on GitHub here: TimMangan/MSIX-PackageSupportFramework: The Package Support Framework (PSF) is a kit for applying compatibility fixes to packaged desktop applications. ( In addition to the source, the release file has pre-built binaries that can be directly used by you.

The v2023.08.13 version will be included in the next releases of the following tools (keep an eye out for future announcements):

  • PsfTooling: Version or later
  • TMEditX: Version or later
Categorized as MSIX, PSF

By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.