I am really excited to announce the availability of a new (and free) community Ebook on MSIX that is for developers of traditional Win32 and/or .Net Framework applications that are interested in modernizing to MSIX.
The book took 12 months to come to fruition, and my co-authors have been invaluable in helping ensure that we have both great coverage and great examples on how to achieve certain features.
Written with help from developers at both Revenera and Flexera, this 238 page book was written with the following goals in mind:
- To educate on what MSIX is, and to help you make the case to your management on why you need to start a project to modernize.
- To provide an overview, and step-by-step actions, to analyze your current application/installer and make the changes necessary to modernize under MSIX.
- To provide links to the numerous online documentation resources for MSIX and, importantly, commentary to help you understand the missing “why” aspects of available options.
A huge Thank You goes out to co-authors Banna, Vara, and Kiran for their persistence in getting this huge book finalized, and to their companies Revenera (the Install Shield company) and Flexera (the Admin Studio company). Also a Thank You to Microsoft’s own Matteo Pagani for writing the book introduction. I also thank Bob Kelly and Venkat Ram Donga for providing their corporate support for this community project, and of course to our editor Tyler Stanczak.
A Developer’s Guide to MSIX is free and hosted on the Revenera website (a registration is required but you can request to not be contacted) and you can find out more through this link: TMurgent Books.