Version 4.8 of PsfTooling is now available in the Microsoft Store. A free tool, it is used in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging tool to add and configure the Package Support Framework (PSF) during the repackaging process.
For those unaware, PSF stands for Package Support Framework, an open source utility that I contribute to for helping traditional Win32 and DotNet applications with MSIX. The PSF is added to an MSIX package and integrated into the various app launch points to provide compatibility for the traditional app running inside the MSIX container.
The changes in this new version include the changes highlighted in this post.
Updated PSF including latest fixes. The Psf version used is the Develop branch version as of Jan 25, 2021. This includes all of the fixes from my Pull Request #170:
- Issue 95 – Update to documentatin on PsfLauncher to mention the requirement for StartingScriptWrapper.ps1 file.
- Issue 141 – Don’t set CreationFlags when starting a process if the attributesList wasn’t supplied.
- Issue 152 – Find PowerShell.exe when system doesn’t have the ‘1’ registry key.
- Issue 159 – Add intercept for SetWorkingDirectory
- Issue 168 – let DynamicLibraryFixup support dll loading with full path inputs.
- Issue 169 – Stop FRF inception (don’t redirect again if passed WritablePackageRoot).
- Issue 171 – PsfLauncher reading incorrect case for waitForDebugger.
These fixes account for an improvement in the application compatibility rating for packages tested as part of the Report Card for MSIX of about 4%.
Improvements in application analysis. Various improvements were made in the analysis and suggestions made by the tool upon initial scan. Additional scenarios are discovered, and the advice should now be more clear. You access this feature using the Suggest Fixups button.
Improvements in Psf injection. Additional edge case improvements, such as for certain shell integration commands.
UI Improvements. Based on feedback, we found new users not understanding the flow of how to use the tool and jumping ahead. So now buttons are disabled until relevant. For example the apply button is disabled until you have completed the search for applications.
Download this free app from the Microsoft Store.