Sequencing AutoCAD 2015 Update

Photo about changeLast June, I posted a way to sequence AutoCAD 2015 using App-V 5 on a  Blog post here. This was done using the then latest-and-greatest version of App-V, 5.0 SP2 with Hotfix 4.  We had been having trouble with many AutoCAD versions since the 2014 versions started appearing with some sort of incompatibility, and Hotfix 4 overcame whatever that was.


I had been contacted a few times recently by people having issues getting AutoCAD to work using the information from that post, so I asked Patrick to take a look.  Here is what he found…

Photo: Patrick Mangan“Hotfix 5, as well as SP3, includes both PVAD/VFS changes and changes in how it handles services with special permissions.  After a lot of testing different scenarios of versions and playing with different recipes, I am concluding that there is an issue with the services that keeps AutoCAD packages sequenced on these versions from working.”

“Fortunately, we can still sequence on it SP2 with HF4 using the recipe from the blogpost and run in on SP3 client machines.”

Thanks Patrick!

Image attribution: and Stuart Miles
Photo Attribution: Captain Green Brett

By Tim Mangan

Tim is a Microsoft MVP, and a Citrix CTP Fellow. He is an expert in App-V and MSIX.