TMEdit Released

New in TMEdit

TMEdit is the licensed and more capable tool for fixing up App-V packages (the application virtualization system that actually works) since it doesn’t have to depend on the Microsoft Sequencer Tool to create the final package. TMEdit Download ( 


The TMEdit tool analyzes and fixes App-V packages.  This release contains the following changes:

  • Fix: Make

TMEditX Version 2.0 now available!

Version of TMEditX has now been released. The change to version 2 represents the culmination of a years’ worth of work to make successful packaging with MSIX a whole lot easier. Better analysis, improved workflows to implement recommended changes, and a better PSF so that we can make apps better!

TMEditX logo

A short summary of the changes since last month …

Psf v2021.12.07 Released

The Package Support Framework (PSF) was started by Microsoft as an Open Source Project to help Win32 and .Net Framework based software operate in the new MSIX Container runtime, however the latest changes are now made in my own fork at .

The “Post-Thanksgiving” release brings in some additional changes in the PSF for at least one …

Automated MSIX Repackaging with PSF

I recently posted a twit with the following caption:

Achievement unlocked.  Re-package 70 apps with PSF with 
click on one button into #MSIX packages.  MMPT + upcoming 
version of TMEditX with command line option to fix the 

70 Enterprise apps repackaged into MSIX with the PSF in 2.5 hours with one click. Let’s boil this down so others who …

Get PsfTooling 4.5 Now!

Version 4.5 of PsfTooling is now available in the Microsoft Store.  A free tool, it is used in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging tool to add and configure the Package Support Framework (PSF) during the repackaging process.

For those unaware, PSF stands for Package Support Framework, an open source utility that I contribute to for helping traditional

PsfTooling 4.4

Now available in the Microsoft Store as a free app, PsfTooling 4.4 represents the best way for IT Pros that are repackaging traditional apps into MSIX to have success.

We use PsfTooling in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool (MMPT) to inject and configure the Package Support Framework into the package.

PsfTooling version 4.4 adds new capabilities and an …

PsfTooling 4.2

Today I am happy to announce that version 4.2 of PsfTooling is now available from the Microsoft Store.  A free tool, it is used in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging tool to add and configure the Package Support Framework (PSF) during the repackaging process.

For those unaware, PSF stands for Package Support Framework, an open source utility that

New Goodness in PsfTooling 4.1.0

Today there is a new version of PsfTooling up in the Microsoft Store. A free tool, it works in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging Tool to add and configure the MSIX Package Support Framework into your package capture.

So what’s new in version 4.1?

  •  Added a button to analyze and suggest fixups (see image below). At this point it