Today We Learn About Elevation, Integrity Levels, and UIAccess

With the App-V MVPs busy at the MVP Summit this week, I’ll offer up this rather long post about elevation, starting with some fairly well known basics and advancing into the absurd detail.

Applications sometimes do things that cause UAC prompts to qualify a process to increase its security settings or level. Most enterprise policies, and Microsoft recommended practices, restrict …

The case of the misnamed object

I suddenly seem to be getting asked by a number of software vendors to help them support customers that are using App-V.  This is fantastic!  Vendors that want to support App-V?  We have dreamed of this for 15 years now.  I am thinking that four is perhaps more than just a blip, maybe it is a trend.  I certainly hope …

App-V and .Net Native Images Updated

Last year I wrote an article on App-V and .Net Native Images and how they didn’t work with App-V.

I was wrong, but it wasn’t my fault. It turns out that the trusted tooling that I used, the Microsoft SysInternals ProcessExplorer, was lying to me.

One of the uses of ProcessExplorer is to view the modules (fancy name …

Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and App-V

Just where the heck is StealthPuppy when you need him? Somebody has to talk about Adobe Acrobat Reader DC and App-V. At times it has been hard to sequence Adobe Reader, but these days you can almost do it while sleeping.  OK, so I’ll take a shot at writing about it because old posts make it sound so hard.   Photo by Michelle MeikleJohn, used by permission

AppVManifestEditor (AVME)

AppVManifestEditor is a new free GUI based tool for editing the AppXManifest file that Microsoft is exposing in the sequencer for editing in the new 5.1 release of App-V.

Microsoft is making the file available for export/import within the sequencer.  The syntax of this xml file is undocumented, and editing the xml can be very tricky, so a tool is …

The App-V Virtual Device Driver: Really!!!!

I’m not sure why I never thought of this before.  All of the pieces were right there in front of me for a while, but it didn’t click until today.

Today I created my first Virtual Device Driver with App-V!!!!

OK.  Time for the fine print:

The driver isn’t really virtualized, I just make it only exist when it needs

TheGlobalizer: Automatically making user targeted AppV work as Global

Tim SpeakingA treat for you today. You see, today is my day to find out if I am re-awarded as a Microsoft MVP. You get a little nervous waiting for Redmond to wake up and send the email each time. So with a surprise today I find that I am no longer an App-V MVP. Now I’m a “Windows IT Pro”

Virtual App Runtime Debugging with Updated AppV_Manage 5

The KahunaI am pleased to announce version 5 of the free AppV_Manage tool, and in particular the new run-time debugging capabilities.  You can find the tool downloader  at this link here.

When dealing with a difficult application, you often need to use several tools to try to find out what is wrong.  In the past, I had integrated a number …