Sequencing AutoCad 2016/2017

My general recipe for sequencing AutoCAD 2015 is found in this post from a couple of years ago:

Today, Patrick Mangan reminded me that he had to modify that recipe to handle AutoCAD 2016 and 2017.

In the original recipe, we handle the problem of the runtime AutoCAD writing a dll file outside of the virtual environment to a …

App-V 5.1 Lifecycle

Sebasitan, the German Microsoft Escalation Engineer we often get new news from about App-V, recently blogged about the dates for the lifecycles for App-V 5.1.  Before people get upset, let’s make sure you understand what this means.

On the date when a product version, or service pack, is released, it sets the clock ticking for end of free mainstream support …

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How I sequence Java in App-V

attib: digitalart

Earlier this week I was queried (by Andrew) about an issue with the JreBlock script we use for sequencing Java. There was an issue with using in on 64-bit machines. Patrick wrote the original version for us more than 4 years ago, and we were using a different version in our training classes than was on the website

I’m new to App-V, how do I get started?

10With Microsoft now including App-V directly inside the operating system for Windows 10 Enterprise and Education SKU desktop customers, we need a way to help people get started with App-V today.  While there is a wealth of detail information available online from the community some of it is outdated and most is too detailed for someone starting out. This five …