Two new OSD Policies for App-V

Microsoft has informed us of two policies that exist for the OSD that, up to now, had been undocumented.  It is unclear when these policies were added, but clearly they are supported in 4.6, and they may have been around for years.

These policies, now documented in The OSD Illustrated (an interactive online application that depicts and describes the entire …

Updates on Microsoft App-V

There is some news regarding App-V to share.
1. App-V 4.5 SP2 Upgrade Released

2. Microsoft Releasing “Pkg” format specification

3. TMurgent releases free tool to read “Pkg” files

4. TMurgent releases White Paper and Video on App-V 4.6 DSC and Transparency

These are more fully described in my other blog at

New Free Tool: PkgView for App-V

Have you ever wanted to see what was captured in the App-V user or global PKG file? 

For the last 4 years, on and off, I have been trying to build a tool to do just that.  And for just as long I have been really close to having such a tool, but not close enough to release one.  I

New Tool: XenApp Publishing Extensions 2.0 for App-V

The XenApp Publishing Extensions 2.0 are two tools that enable easy publication of applications to your XenApp 4.5 or 5.0 farm.

Once you have deployed App-V virtual applications to your XenApp 4.5 and 5.0 Farms, you will want to publish the shortcuts to users. This can be a slow and tedious process  for App-V virtual applications when using the XenApp …

App-V Training Updates

TMurgent is coming back to Sweden! Details are being finalized, but TMurgent and Virisit IT are teaming up again for a class in Malmo (across the bridge from Copenhagen, Denmark) the week of May 31-June 4, 2010. This is our five day “Masters Level” Microsoft App-V 4.6 Concepts, Administration, and Sequencing class. This special class will feature not …

OSD Illustrated Updated

Peter gave me a “heads-up” on a couple of new optional things in the OSD that I had not been aware of. These are now added to the OSD Illustrated.  Both are optional to support odd cases for 64-bit operating systems.  Normally you don’t need these new parameters, even if you are running 32-bit apps on a 64-bit OS, …

The Case of App-V 4.6 Duplicate Package GUIDs

When the App-V sequencer creates a GUID for the package that needs to be unique.  If somehow two packages get the same GUID, you will run into an error at deployment and need to re-sequence.

In older releases, people would run into this issue if they took a VM snapshot with the sequencer up and running.  Typically, they create the …