Update Regarding App-V and Windows Branch Cache

Last February, when App-V 4.6 was released I blogged about the new features (see https://www.tmurgent.com/TmBlog/?p=151 ).   It turns out that that, due to incorrect information supplied, there was an mistake in that post that has some people scratching their heads in how to make it work.

The error is about enabling BranchCache at a remote site with App-V Clients.  Microsoft …

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Winter App-V Training Schedule Update

With App-V 4.6SP1 being released sometime in Q1 of 2011, we will hold off offering any public classes in Q1. We will continue to offer private classes on the existing 4.6 release until 4.6SP1 is released.

We are well underway on the course revisions for the new release, and will offer private classes on 4.6SP1 as soon as the release …

App-V Database Schema Pdfs Available

We have added two new eBooks to our growing collection of App-V related publications.  These are both PDFs that depict the organization of the App-V Full Infrastructure database, one for 4.6/4.5 implementations, and the other for 4.2/4.1.

We often print these on a 22/38.5 inch poster for our training classes, and people have asked for copies over the years.  So …

OSD Reference Book Published (EBook)

Tim Mangan today publishes an e-book today for the Microsoft App-V Community.  “App-V OSD Reference Book” is an unofficial reference manual for the OSD syntax used by App-V.For years, his online tool “The OSD Illustrated” has been the best reference to this XML based syntax.  Now Tim has formally written the missing reference guide to the syntax.  As

A Failure To Launch (Tool for App-V)

Today I “launched” a new free tool to provide some organized help with App-V Client errors.  This tool, called A Failure To Launch, is a Silverlight app that allows you to search for information on an error code produced by the App-V Client.

For each of the codes covered, the tool provides information about the cause (or possible causes), …

AppV_DeployNPublish 1.9

Version 1.9 of the AppV Deploy and Publish tools is now available (tools section of the main TMurgent website). This version fixes a few anoyances. AppV_DeployApp now remembers the configured content folder, and you can now deploy a second app without having to exit and restart; all three programs now have a /help option from the command line.…