What is PackageFamilyName in MSIX and why do I need to know?

NOTE: This original May 4th article was updated June 25.

MSIX modern application packages use a series of identifiers that can be very confusing. Packages have Names, Versions, Families, and a PackageFamilyName that incudes that odd set of characters you sometimes see that is somewhat tied to the code signing certificate used to sign the package. 

Until recently, I had …

Get PsfTooling 4.5 Now!

Version 4.5 of PsfTooling is now available in the Microsoft Store.  A free tool, it is used in conjunction with the Microsoft MSIX Packaging tool to add and configure the Package Support Framework (PSF) during the repackaging process.

For those unaware, PSF stands for Package Support Framework, an open source utility that I contribute to for helping traditional

Be nice

On November 3rd, I’ll be working a very low paying job that I do a few times a year.  You see, I am a poll worker for my local precinct whenever there are elections.  Elections occur between 1 and 4 times a year, depending on the year and this year we have them all.  I’m asking you, on that day, …

Fixing PowerShell ExecutionPolicy and GPO

PowerShell has an annoying, to me, idea about security. Yeah, yeah, we all love security, blah blah blah. But…

But I make heavy use of my own PowerShell scripting for use in my Lab.

I even wrote my own PowerShell module (see PassiveInstall ) to simplify much of the scripting I do around automating application installs and configuration for packaging. …

App-V 1703 Virtual Registry and Containers?

One of the things I talked about when App-V was going into the core of the OS was how it was going to provide new opportunities to improve App-V.  And the prime example I gave was how the virtual registry worked.  Well I was eventually proved right, although the transition is proving to be a bit bumpy for some folks …

Life with the App-V AutoSequencer

It’s summer.  Who should work all that hard anyway? I’m letting the AutoSequencer do the work for me.

With the March 2017 release of Microsoft Windows also came the 1703 version of the Windows ADK. The ADK contains a number of tools used by both developers and IT Pros and is generally updated with each OS release. When you go